History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

24 April, 2012


Today, in 1915, ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) embarked on the Gallipoli campaign-- a long, bloody, and ultimately unsuccessful attack against the Turkish Empire. Like the Canadian experiences at Ypres and Dieppe, the shared sadness and pride triggered deep national sentiment that carries through to this day. On Anzac Day, we remember those who fell and those who fought. 

Photographs from Gallipoli, 1915, thanks to the National Library of New Zealand, the Australian War Memorial Collection, and the State Libraries of New South Wales and Queensland. 

6th Battalion soldiers leaving their transport ship, April 25, 1915. Source

Auckland Battalion landing. Source

Boats carrying troops to shore. Source

Troops arriving at Anzac beach. Source

Unloading supplies at Anzac Cove. Source

Troops disembark on the beach. Source

New Zealand troops preparing to disembark. Source

Soldiers landing. Source

A boat carrying men of the 1st Divisional Signal Company. Source

Australian troops going into action, April 25, 1915. Source

Australian artillerymen moving guns into place. Source

Soldiers awaiting orders, April 25, 1915. Source

Soldiers occupying Quinn's post. Source

The position covering Quinn's Post and the Chessboard [I have no idea what that means, but that's the caption for those of you who do!] Source

Soldiers in a trench. Source

A view along trenches. Source

Soldiers resting in a trench. Source

Soldiers firing from a trench. Source

Soldiers using a periscope rifle from a trench. Source

Soldiers in a firing trench. Source

Dead in front of the Turkish lines. Source

A graveyard near Anzac Cove. Source

A memorial cross at Gallipoli. Source

A man blinded at Gallipoli shows a medal to his son, c. 1920. Source

Wreaths on the Cenotaph in Sydney on Anzac Day 1915. Source


Shay said...

Soldiers give nicknames to key pieces of terrain on a battlefield (the Bloody Angle, the Hornet's Nest, etc). Quinn's Post and the Chessboard were undoubtedly such locations.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I've been looking at the Gallipoli images on your blog. Very good! Are they copyright free please? Would I be able to use 3 or 4 of them in a book I am writing about Swansea (Wales) in the Great War? I have a Swansea doctor who served at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli and the images would help show the terrain etc.

Best wishes, Bernard Lewis email at (phonetic):

bernard dot lewis1952 at gmail dot.com

Anonymous said...

The Cenotaph pictured in Martin Place, Sydney was unveiled on 25th April 1927. The 25th of April 1915 is the date that Australian troops first saw action on Gallipoli.


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