History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

11 April, 2012

Target Practice

WAVES-- Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, female members of the Navy in World War Two-- practising pistol shooting at a target range.

United States, 1943.

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

A serviceman instructs a WAVE in using her weapon. Source

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

A WAVE loads her pistol while a sergeant guides. Source

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

A WAVE checks target hits with a soldier. Source

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

An officer makes notes on it. Source

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Some reading during down time.  Source

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Thomas D. McAvoy, LIFE © Time Inc.

Then she blows smoke off the barrel and flips in into her holster. Source


Shay said...

Well, no...the US military started using smokeless cartridges as soon as the technology was available (stolen from the French) in the late 1890's, so blowing the smoke from the barrel was an unnecessary gesture.

And she's not wearing a holster .

Shay said...

Hey! My parenthesized grin was deleted!

Anna said...

Haha, well, maybe she's seen too many movies-- or I have. :P

And sorry, no idea where your grin went! Silly comment system.

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