History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

06 April, 2012

Trampoline Craze

Apparently trampolines were all the rage in 1960! California, photos by Ralph Crane for LIFE.

Looks so fun and so dangerous. Source

Everyone loves a trampoline. Source

He comes with the explanation that he's a costumed movie extra. Source

Diving into a pool from a trampoline. Source

The gorilla doesn't come with an explanation. Source

Even the babies get into it! Source


Ewen Patton said...

Seeing these pictures will make anyone want to travel back through time, specially when they realize how much benefits these trampolines give us. I know I would. Thanks for the photos!

Anna said...

Absolutely, I'd love to join in! :)

Richard C. Lambert said...

Seeing these pictures will make anyone want to travel back through time, specially when they realize how much benefits these trampolines give us. I know I would. Thanks for the photos!
rectangle trampoline

Mike Trampoline said...

I'm yet to find a picture of people with serious face expressions jumping on a trampoline. It's too much fun!

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