History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

26 March, 2012

V for Victory

Yes, that's a finger symbol for Victory, what were you thinking? During World War Two, the V sign (palm in OR out) was popularized by Winston Churchill as a symbol of encouragement, optimism and patriotism. Trust me.

Churchill gives his famous V sign, Bradford, England, 1942. Source

An Indian soldier gives the Victory V from a ship's porthole, and "his 'V' is backed by a million Indian troops and the rest of the Empire as well." Singapore, 1941. Source

Soldiers on leave flash V signs as their train prepares to leave, Melbourne, 1943. Source

It works well in drawn form, too. An Australian soldier holding [something?] with a V for Victory. Source

Giant Vs for Victory in Rockefeller Plaza, NYC, 1943. Source

American servicemen wave and give V signs to the camera as their troopship arrives in England, 1944. Source

Another Churchill V, this one to cheering troops on a ship, 1943. Source

A member of a navy mine disposal party gives the V sign while sitting atop a mine, Scotland. Source

Australian troops giving V for Victory signs, 1941. Source

Dock workers giving V signs and thumbs up as they eat American canned food at a canteen in London, 1941. Source

Dwight Eisenhower holds two pencils in a V for Victory after the signing of the German surrender papers, 1945. Source

RAF squadron leader J A F McLachlan lost an arm when shot down in  February 1941; by that summer, equipped with an artificial limb, he was up in the air again. He flashes a V sign to the personal emblem painted on his Hurricane-- his amputated arm returning the V. Source

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