History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

20 January, 2014

Wanted Posters of the 19th Century (With Photographs)

The Nova Scotia Archives has a terrific collection of wanted posters from 1868-1888 (assembled in a scrapbook from the time period), and something I find especially fascinating is the number containing photographs, even at this relatively early date in the history of photography. The photographs appear to come from prior studio sessions of the individuals in question, probably either reprinted (studios kept negatives on file) or re-photographed from a carte-de-visite or cabinet card and printed for the posters. It's an interesting contrast, the genteel carte-de-visite portrait paired with the crimes their sitters are accused of. 

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

This image appears to be an engraving after a photograph. Source

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives


Historical Ken said...

These are great!
Thanks for posting them!

Anna said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed them as much as I did! :)

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