History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

12 December, 2011

Christmas in War

Celebrations of Christmas even in the midst of war. 

Margaret Bourke-White, LIFE © Time Inc.

Christmas sign and tree at the Italian front, 1944. Source

US National Archives

Men of the USS Lexington celebrating Christmas with a Santa suited up for firefighting. 1944. Source

Margaret Bourke-White, LIFE © Time Inc.

American WACs decorate their tent at the Italian front, 1944. Source

Margaret Bourke-White, LIFE © Time Inc.

American WACs make paper chains to decorate their tiny tree, Italy, 1944. Source

Ralph Morse, LIFE © Time Inc.

American servicemen (with Santa centre) celebrating Christmas on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942. Source

© IWM (A 13318)

A Christmas singsong on a British warship, 1942. Source

Australian War Memorial

Christmas celebration in Vietnam, 1965. Warrant Officer Warren Smith, in the photo, "was just presented with a medal for endurance above and beyond the call of duty during the hectic Christmas Day celebrations." Source
Australian War Memorial

Australians decorating a Christmas tree in Korea, 1953. Source

Nationaal Archief

German soldiers celebrating Christmas in the trenches, 1915. Source

Australian War Memorial

Santa Claus arriving at Miyahjima school in a jeep, 1946 [all right, not quite wartime, but it had to be included!]. Source

The Smithsonian

Holiday mail for the troops, USA, c. 1944. Source

© IWM (A 6666)

Sailors carrying the Christmas tree and holly for Christmas celebrations aboard a British ship, 1941. Source

Ralph Morse, LIFE © Time Inc.

American servicemen at a Christmas midnight mass, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942.  Source

Ralph Morse, LIFE © Time Inc.

Singing and lighting candles at midnight mass, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 1942. Source

Also-- for copyright reasons I couldn't include these images, but two photographs of British and German troops mingling during the 1914 Christmas truce are here and here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your site connected to a photo of the opening days ceremonies of the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley. The photo was of the huge band out in the snow. Wikipedia says the opening ceremonies was delayed an hour because of the snow. Could I find out where the photo originated and if there are more of the band? My high school band was in that group. Thanks. Pat E at pate@cut.net

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