History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

23 January, 2012

The Hockey Game

Let's play (ice) hockey!

Hockey game at McGill, Montreal, Quebec, c. 1910. Source

Boys playing hockey in Dawson, Yukon, Canada, c. 1900. Source

Hockey game at the Victoria Rink (composite photo), Montreal, QC, 1893. Source

A goalie at a game in 1951. Source

Undated. Source

Anglo-American hockey team, St. Mortitz, Switzerland, c. 1900. Source

Hockey at Engelberg, Switzerland, c. 1910. Source

Hockey game at the Winter Olympics, Squaw Valley, California, 1960. Source

1951. Source

A hockey game in Quebec, 1952. Source

A hockey team, c. 1910 (no location given). Source

The Maple Leafs play the New York Rangers at Madison Square Gardens, 1948 (the goalie is the Leaf). Source

The Shamrock hockey team, Montreal, Quebec, 1899. Source

Renzoni and Regina hockey teams in Dawson, Yukon, Canada, 1910. Source

Undated (love the stripey socks in these old ones!). Source

Undated. Source

A save during a game in 1954. Source

1951. Source

Undated. Source

Game in Spokane, Washington, US, 1954. Source

An ice hockey team in Sydney, Australia, 1937. Source

McGill hockey teams, Montreal, 1902. Source

Women playing hockey in bathing suits (why? no idea), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1925. Source


Queen Bee said...

What fun pictures! I really like the first one taken in Montreal which was colorized. It makes it appear more recent even though it was taken over one hundred years ago.

Recently I saw some old baseball pictures online that were colorized to the accurate colors of the players uniforms. It was neat to see the players the way they would have looked on game day.

Anna said...

I know, the added colour really gives a different perspective, doesn't it? I can imagine the baseball pictures were good. I'd love to see some of the stripey socks from this post in colour, hehe!

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