History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

22 April, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

People sleeping in days gone by (a part two; part one is here).

A soldier sleeping in the waiting room at Pennsylvania Station, NYC, 1943 (by Alfred Eisenstaedt, unsurprisingly). Source

No caption. Source

A woman sleeping in a train's observation lounge car, US, 1945. Source

A woman in a fancy sleeping mask, 1953. Source

No caption. Source

No caption. Source

A sailor sleeping on a pile of life preservers aboard the USS Doran, 1942. Source

Steve McQueen's malamute wakes him up during a hunting trip, California, 1963. Source

A GI and his wife sleep aboard a train, 1945. Source

No caption. Source

Sleeping in Battery Park, NYC, on a hot day, 1910-1915. Source

A little girl asleep on a train, 1945. Source

Russian children sleep in a subway station during German air raids on Moscow, 1941 (Margaret Bourke-White). Source

An Israeli father holds his sleeping daughter by a river, Israel, 1965. Source

No caption (but great shoes!!). Source

College students sleep aboard a train during an educational tour, 1939. Source

People sleeping, Three Rocks Arch, Oregon, c. 1900-1910. Source

No caption (shame, I'd love to know the story!). Source

A teenager sleeps after (or during) studying, 1960. Source

No caption. Source

A woman sleeps on a hammock with barbershop behind, Saigon, Vietnam, 1961. Source

No caption. Source

Wrens sleep in hammocks at a naval base, England, 1944. Source

An American solider sleeping on a train, 1942 (soldiers sleeping on trains could almost be its own post...). Source

High school students dozing on a river cruise, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1958. Source

An American sergeant sleeps on a table in the waiting room at Crewe train station, UK, c. 1944. Source

A little boy sleeps on modern children's chairs, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1948. Source

A Boston woman sleeps with an umbrella for protection during the Boston Strangler period, 1963. Source

GIs sleep aboard a hot train, 1945. Source

Musicians June Christy and Bob Cooper, 1946 or 47. Source

A man sleeping in.. I don't know, Europe? No caption. Source

A sharecropper's daughter sleeping with her dogs, Mississippi, 1936 (also Alfred Eisenstaedt). Source

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