History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

07 April, 2012

Happy Passover!

I really should have posted this yesterday, in time for the first night of Passover, but in this blog I'm lucky if I remember any holidays/significant dates at all! Thanks to Passover for being a multi-day thing, haha. Another striking post shall follow sometime this week. 

Happy Passover!

As captioned, a U.S. army and navy passover in Dijion, 1919. Source

A family Seder in Duluth, Wisconsin, 1910. Source

A wartime Passover in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1943. Source

A young boy with elders at a Passover ceremony, 1951, US. Source

A Passover Seder in 1934, Germany [?]. Source

A serviceman enjoys the gefilte fish of the home he's been invited to for the holiday, Denver, 1952. Source

A family Seder in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1949. Source

A reading from the Passover Haggadah at a Passover meal for Jewish Allied servicemen in London, 1944.  Source

Raising glasses during a blessing at the same event. Source

A Passover Seder broadcast over the radio for men just returned from overseas combat, US,  1945. Source

Girls eat matzah against hay bales, undated. Source

A Passover Seder in Philadelphia, undated. Source

A Passover Seder for members of the Armed Services, Washington, DC, 1944. Source

A Passover Seder in Manila, the Philippines, 1925. Source

A Passover Seder at the Ahawah Children's Home, Berlin, undated. Source

A chaplain conducting a Passover service for soldiers, 1945. Source

A Passover Seder at a military base in Muskogee, Oklahoma, 1944. Source

Passover food packages for patients at a military hospital near Denver, Colorado, 1952. Source

Soldiers at a Passover meal, c. 1945. Source

A Passover Seder dinner for members of the American Expeditionary Forces, Paris, 1919. Source

A Seder at the YMHA, Baltimore, 1925. Source

A family Seder in Minneapolis, 1917. Source

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