History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. ~Winston Churchill

08 April, 2012


Sweet Easter posters from London Transport!

Poster by Major, 1931. Source

Poster by an unknown artist. Source

Poster by Charles Sharland, 1913. Source

Poster by H C Aher, 1929. Source

Poster by Frederick Charles Herrick, 1922. Source

Poster by Scott Langley, 1929. Source

Poster by Tom Gentleman, 1932. Source

I have no idea what this has to do with Easter, except that it says 'Easter' in the corner... but it's great. By the Brothers Warbis, 1915. Source

Poster by I Reiner, 1939. Source

Poster by Vera Willoughby, 1935. Source

Poster by Charles Sharland, 1914 (obviously). Source

Poster by Gladys Mary Rees, 1921. Source

Poster by J L, 1925. Source

Poster by Dora M Batty, 1934. Source

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